
You already know the ABC. Ideate and start the next big thing here.

What is Start:XYZ ?

Welcome to Start:XYZ, an experimental initiative designed for acquired founders who are eager be become founders again. 

Start:XYZ is not a typical startup program. We don't aim to teach you how to start a company from scratch or how to fundraise. We assume you are already an expert of the basics.

We understand that the journey of committing to another new venture is not a straight line, we are here to provide you with personalized 1:1 support and a community of similarly accomplished peers who are also navigating their next journey. Our goal is to give you the customer network and accountability you need to validate your ideas and take the next step.

Program Format

Start:XYZ programs typically run for approximately three months and consist of 4-5 founders. We understand that every founder's schedule is unique, so we offer a flexible time commitment that includes ad hoc 1:1 chats (both in-person and asynchronous text) and scheduled peer group meetings.

Who is it for?

Start:XYZ is tailored for acquired founders who are interested in the B2B (broadly including vertical software, AI tools and infra etc) space.

In addition to acquired founders, we also consider exceptional individuals who are:

If you have some ideas about the customers you want to solve problems for and have the desire to start a new company within the next 12 months, then Start:XYZ is the perfect place for you.

What do you get?

When you join Start:XYZ, you gain access to a range of invaluable resources and support, including:

Financial Commitment

There's no financial or equity commitment required to participate in Start:XYZ.

Ready to Start:XYZ?

If you're ready to explore your next adventure, then Start:XYZ is the place for you. Contact us for a chat.